This is a blog containing data related news and information that I find interesting or relevant. Links are given to original sites containing source information for which I can take no responsibility. Any opinion expressed is my own.
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Theories and best practices on effective application logging.
I think logging is critical and a log is just as much a piece of data worthy of reporting against as something containing customer or order information. This is the place where you get clues about what is wrong with the system, where you find out who deleted what, and conversely who added what.
Another option is to also add a flag to every record in a file that signifies if it was added, updated or deleted. Then you don't lose data. Think about that combined with a log to capture the update details.
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Especially if you are starting out launching yourself as a Data Scientist, you will want to first demonstrate your skills through interesting data science project ideas that you can implement and share. This step-by-step guide shows you how to do go through this process, with an original example that explores Germany’s biggest frequent flyer forum, Vielfliegertreff.
This is a great roadmap into what you need to do, what you need to create and document, what you should share and a great suggestion on where to share it. I would also suggest adding it to Kaggle as the site Felix suggest is German and a little niche.
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Did you know that 84% of organizations find they can’t fully trust deployed models to make accurate predictions? It falls upon data and analytics leaders like you to ensure AI initiatives are still relevant and adding value to the business.As AI transforms business and society, delivering value quickly, reducing costs and risks, and becoming more competitive are the name of the game.
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String manipulation is something we Pythonistas do a lot. Here are 20 top tips & tricks you might find useful.
This is definitely worth a read if for nothing but reminding yourself of all the methods that you probably know but have forgotten.
We are all stuck inside, so you might as well read this - besides you might recognise some that you have done yourself. I certainly did lol
I think over time we all get better at commenting in code - my advice is stick to facts and something that is useful - not long-winded paragraphs of descriptions.
Some of the fundamentals of the programming language by Bryan Dijkhuizen.
This is a useful and short guide which is interesting if you are wondering if you should give it a try.
Data science is ever-evolving, so mastering its foundational technical and soft skills will help you be successful in a career as a Data Scientist, as well as pursue advance concepts, such as deep learning and artificial intelligence.
This is a great shopping list and you can find free courses on the various MOOCs if you need to fill a gap in your knowledge. Certainly, I had to do a set of maths and statistics courses on Coursera to get myself up to a required level. Never give up - if something is difficult, find a free online course and plug that gap in your knowledge.
Here are his favourite 29 Python code snippets that actually save time as a developer.
These are really useful and I can think of lots of ways in which these would have made code more efficient or the results better. Just be careful - I personally don't agree with ignoring a false value - you need to investigate why you received it in the first place and what caused it. You could lose an important link back to a system of record if you lose it.
Tackling carbon emissions is one of the biggest challenges faced by the world today. For big business, this means making a strategic and managed move towards increasing the use of renewable energy sources, as well as creating efficiencies across all aspects of their operations.
This is a great initiative and I wish them every success. As expected a great article from Bernard.
Let’s look at the performance of our Python programs and see how to make them up to 30% faster!
Some great tips and lots of code examples too.
And get optionally certified for the price of your groceries.
This is definitely something worth investigating if this is the career path you want to take.
Let’s learn about looping techniques using functions like enumerate, zip, sorted, reversed in python.
I love this article which will help you to handle large amounts of data in Python.
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Please, don’t average averages is the first tip he has for us.
These are really valuable insights and I completely agree with his observations. I love that he has given you code segments as well so there are no excuses for not understanding these. Some of these links seamlessly into basic rules of data analytics and make sure that you do not skew your results.