Surprisingly, These 10 Professional Jobs Are Under Threat From Big Data by +Bernard Marr via +Forbes - When you read or hear news stories about the imminent takeover of robots and algorithms that will eliminate jobs for human workers, many times the first examples given are blue-collar jobs like factory workers and taxi drivers.
Seems we are all at risk. Insightful article by Bernard.
This is a blog containing data related news and information that I find interesting or relevant. Links are given to original sites containing source information for which I can take no responsibility. Any opinion expressed is my own.
Saturday, 30 April 2016
For Big Data, It's 'Show Me The Money' Time via Forbes
For Big Data, It's 'Show Me The Money' Time by Randy Bean via +Forbes - Big business has been investing big in Big Data initiatives. But, to what end? A recently released Big Data executive survey, published by NewVantage Partners, reports that nearly two-thirds of participating executives indicate that a Big Data initiative is in production at their firms.
All projects/investments should have a visible ROI, and big data is no different.
All projects/investments should have a visible ROI, and big data is no different.
Friday, 29 April 2016
WEBINAR: Turn Big Data into Smart, Trusted Assets - 3 May 2016
Turn Big Data into Smart, Trusted Assets
DATE: Wednesday, May 3, 2016
TIME: 1:00 PM ET
With exploding data volumes, leveraging the distributed computing power of Hadoop is more necessary than ever. Learn how Pentaho Data Integration can quickly and effectively take full advantage of the architecture to deliver powerful data integration and business analytics, all while using Melissa Data’s Data Quality tools to deliver clean, verified and trusted assets and analytics.
- Learn how to make quick and easy integration and analysis of large data sets, leveraging Pentaho Data Integration
- Leverage the power of Hadoop with your data quality initiatives
- Learn how to transform your data into clean, reliable assets
Robert Smith, Enterprise Sales Engineer, Pentaho
Patrick Bayne, Data Quality Analyst and Software Engineer, Melissa Data
Register here
Big data, bigger brother: The rise of James Bond, data scientist via @ZDNet
Real-time Data Isn’t Fast Enough, Say Many Data Pros via @infomgmt
Real-time Data Isn’t Fast Enough, Say Many Data Pros by David Weldon via +Information Management - A lot has been written about the interest in real-time data, but it turns out that many attendees to the recent Strata & Hadoop World conference in San Jose, CA, want an experience that is even faster than that.
What is faster than real time data?
What is faster than real time data?
Thursday, 28 April 2016
WEBINAR: Make IoT pay off with big data streaming analytics - 3 May 2016
Complimentary Web Seminar
May 3, 2016
2 PM ET/11 AM PT
Brought to you by Information Management
May 3, 2016
2 PM ET/11 AM PT
Brought to you by Information Management
In an era of connectivity, the potential to automate, simplify, and improve your life is awe inspiring. Your company’s opportunity is to leverage connectivity with optimized operations and disruptive business models that will leave competitors dazed.
Attend this session and learn about the keystone that connects IoT with Big Value: Big Data streaming analytics. Mike Gualtieri, Principal Analyst at Forrester, will describe early adoption in telco, insurance, and oil & gas, explain the market drivers and use cases and how Big Data streaming analytics is critical to success. Rodrigo Sanchez Bredee, Senior Director Product Management for IoT at Informatica, will describe the Big Data streaming analytics journey, a proven architecture for success with real customer examples and his vision for the future.
Attend this session and learn about the keystone that connects IoT with Big Value: Big Data streaming analytics. Mike Gualtieri, Principal Analyst at Forrester, will describe early adoption in telco, insurance, and oil & gas, explain the market drivers and use cases and how Big Data streaming analytics is critical to success. Rodrigo Sanchez Bredee, Senior Director Product Management for IoT at Informatica, will describe the Big Data streaming analytics journey, a proven architecture for success with real customer examples and his vision for the future.
Featured Presenters:
Jim Ericson Editor Emeritus Information Management |
Mike Gualtieri Principal Analyst Forrester Research |
Rodrigo Sanchez Bredee Senior Director of Product Management- IoT Informatica |
Register here
More Organizations Kicking the Tires of Spark As Data Tool of Choice via @infomgmt
More Organizations Kicking the Tires of Spark As Data Tool of Choice by David Weldon via +Information Management - Much of the buzz at this year's Strata & Hadoop World was around Apache Spark, and how Spark might fit into the data management strategies of many organizations
Sounds interesting.
Sounds interesting.
How can one become a good machine learning engineer? via Quora
Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Keeping Hadoop Properly Fed a Challenge for Many Data Pros via @infomgmt
Keeping Hadoop Properly Fed a Challenge for Many Data Pros by David Weldon via +Information Management - Many Strata & Hadoop World attendees wanted help with real-time data management, a theme that was shared with Information Management by several exhibitors at the event, including StreamSets.
I'm sure we all recognise this as either a need right now or one we expect to have in the future.
I'm sure we all recognise this as either a need right now or one we expect to have in the future.
Tuesday, 26 April 2016
Will the Citizen Data Scientist Inherit the World? via @infomgmt
Will the Citizen Data Scientist Inherit the World? by David Weldon via +Information Management - Organisations just can’t get enough of skilled data professionals, and that labour gap will only get worse, many industry analysts predict. That sober reality is fuelling the rise of the so-called ‘citizen data scientist.’
Please note this is a two page article.
Please note this is a two page article.
Is Data Analytics Falling Victim to Its Own Complexity? via @infomgmt
Is Data Analytics Falling Victim to Its Own Complexity? by David Weldon via +Information Management - Data professionals and IT leaders are desperate to do more with data this year, but for many organizations, that is a tall order. The problems often fall with the growing complexity of data, and data analytics tools.
Interesting thoughts.
Interesting thoughts.
Monday, 25 April 2016
Top Challenge With Real-time Analytics: Education via @infomgmt
Top Challenge With Real-time Analytics: Education by David Weldon via +Information Management - It is critical that data scientists and businesses alike understand the benefits that a real-time approach to the data infrastructure can bring to the business, says data Artisans CEO Kostas Tzoumas.
Worth planning for even if you don't implement that structure immediately.
Worth planning for even if you don't implement that structure immediately.
Big Data in 2016: How Big Is ‘Big Enough’ via @infomgmt
Big Data in 2016: How Big Is ‘Big Enough’ by David Weldon via +Information Management - Most believe they now have the proper data management frameworks in place at their organizations, and it’s time to cash in on the potential benefits.
Saturday, 23 April 2016
Collaborative Strategy Set for Two Leading Industrial IoT Standards via @infomgmt
Collaborative Strategy Set for Two Leading Industrial IoT Standards by Bob Violino via +Information Management - The OMG and OPC Foundation have developed a technical positioning and document for usage of both the OMG Data Distribution Service (DDS) standard and the OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) standard.
I hope this doesn't turn into a VHS versus Betamax type thing.
Friday, 22 April 2016
WEBINAR: The Emerging Data Lake Design Pattern - 29 April 2016
Start Date:4/29/2016
Start Time:11:00 AM CDT
Duration:60 minutes
Data Lakes have emerged in recent years in response to organizations looking to economically harness and derive value from exploding data volumes. New data sources such as web, mobile, and connected devices along with new forms of analytics have necessitated a new Data Lake design pattern to augment traditional design patterns such as the Data Warehouse.
Confusion regarding the best way to implement a Data Lake abounds in the absence of a large body of well understood design practices. Drawing upon many sources as well as on site experience with leading data driven customers, we will share the emerging Data Lake design patterns that have evolved to the point where there is some agreement about practices and implementation.
Join Mark Madsen, Third Nature, Inc. and Chris Twogood, Vice President, Product and Services Marketing, Teradata to learn about:
- Why the data lake design pattern in growing in popularity
- How to update your data warehouse and analytic environment to take advantage of the new capabilities
- Real world data lake success stories
- How to avoid risk and get more value out of your data lake initiative
Chris Twogood
VP, Product & Services Marketing
Chris Twogood drives Teradata’s marketing focus on how companies become data-driven. This includes how to leverage best-of-breed solutions such as Teradata, Aster, Hadoop and how to bring these solutions together within a Unified Data Architecture. He is expert in explaining how data can help companies provide better customer experience, drive lower operational costs and improve margins, and in showing how these lead to customer loyalty and business advantage.
Mark Madsen
Third Nature
Mark works with organizations on data and IT strategy and architecture. He also helps to design and build analytics, decision support and data processing systems and the data management and infrastructure behind them. His research focus is on emerging technology and practices in analytics and data management. For more information or to contact Mark, follow @markmadsen on Twitter or visit
Data Pros Focused On Visualization, Real-Time Data, and Security via @infomgmt
Data Pros Focused On Visualization, Real-Time Data, and Security by David Weldon via +Information Management - Security remains top of mind for data pros as data applications continue to involve more and more users inside an organization and require more fine-grained security from collection to application.
Is Data Analytics Falling Victim to Its Own Complexity? via @infomgmt
Is Data Analytics Falling Victim to Its Own Complexity? by David Weldon via +Information Management - Data professionals and IT leaders are desperate to do more with data this year, but for many organizations, that is a tall order. The problems often fall with the growing complexity of data, and data analytics tools.
Thursday, 21 April 2016
Driving Value By Monetizing Data From The Internet Of Things via @Forbes @IBM
Driving Value By Monetizing Data From The Internet Of Things by Albert Opher via +IBM Systems +Forbes - In the cognitive computing era, data captured by the Internet of Things (IoT) technologies has the potential to derive new value.
Interesting article.
Interesting article.
Data Curation, Analytics Collaboration Top Big Data Concerns via @infomgmt
Data Curation, Analytics Collaboration Top Big Data Concerns by David Weldon via +Information Management - Many organizations are focusing on collaborative analytics to empower analysts and business users to get their jobs done with greater accuracy and speed, says Alation's Stephanie McReynolds.
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
Most CIOs Don't Think Their Companies Can Handle Big Data via @Forbes
Most CIOs Don't Think Their Companies Can Handle Big Data by Bain Insights via +Forbes - Talk to CEOs about data analytics and they will tell you it’s a business challenge, not a technology issue.
Please note this is a 2 page article.
Please note this is a 2 page article.
5 Tips for Getting Started as a Data Scientist via @DataconomyMedia
5 Tips for Getting Started as a Data Scientist by Angela Guess via @DataconomyMedia - Sharing 5 important tips that will help you get on the path to Data Science excellence (and with some further reading on each topic)
Great tips.
Great tips.
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
How Hadoop Revolutionised IT via SmartDataCollective
How Hadoop Revolutionised IT by Martyn Jones via SmartDataCollective - This is the story of how the amazing Hadoop ecosphere revolutionised IT. If you enjoy it then consider joining The Big Data Contrarians.
Great story and look back and what happened.
Great story and look back and what happened.
Profiling the Network: Using Analytics to Know Who's Really Who via @infomgmt
Profiling the Network: Using Analytics to Know Who's Really Who by Nir Polak via +Information Management - It is time to expand the definition of network profiling to include the riskiest asset on the network: the user.
Interesting use of analytics.
Interesting use of analytics.
Monday, 18 April 2016
A Pocket Guide to Data Science via @KDnuggets
A Pocket Guide to Data Science by Brandon Rohrer via +KDnuggets - A pocket guide overview of how to get started doing data science, with a focus on the practical, and with concrete steps to take to get moving right away.
A great guide. Please note this is 2 pages long.
A great guide. Please note this is 2 pages long.
A Complete Tutorial on SAS Macros For Faster Data Manipulation via @analyticsvidhya
A Complete Tutorial on SAS Macros For Faster Data Manipulation by Sunil Ray via +Analytics Vidhya - Get your coding faster with SAS Macros - an incredible way to automate the process & save time! A comprehensive tutorial to help you get better skilled & faster in SAS.
A great tutorial and well worth a bookmark.
A great tutorial and well worth a bookmark.
Sunday, 17 April 2016
Facebook Said to Face Decline in People Posting Personal Data via @infomgmt
Facebook Said to Face Decline in People Posting Personal Data by Sarah Frier via +Information Management - Facebook Inc. is working to combat a decline in people sharing original, personal content, the fuel that helps power the money machine at the heart of its social network.
I certainly rarely post anything personal and never give my location away.
I certainly rarely post anything personal and never give my location away.
Information Overload Is ‘Cognitive Diabetes,’ Says Slack CEO via @infomgmt
Information Overload Is ‘Cognitive Diabetes,’ Says Slack CEO by Eric Newcomer via +Information Management - People are hungry for more digital communications, whether it's with colleagues on Slack, friends on Snapchat, or acquaintances on Facebook.
Strange way to describe it.
Strange way to describe it.
Saturday, 16 April 2016
The Data Quality Tipping Point via @Datafloq
The Data Quality Tipping Point by Martin Doyle via +Datafloq - Whatever your business sector, data is your most valuable asset. Along with the machinery and stock you hold, data and insights hold the key to profit and growth. It can reveal problems in processes, drive productivity among your staff and ensure everyone is ‘singing from the same hymn sheet’. However, like any asset, you need to invest in maintenance and management. Data that is not prioritised and nurtured will cause more problems than it solves. But how much do you need to spend to achieve a healthy ROI?
I agree - you need to do what it takes to only use good quality data for any decisions.
I agree - you need to do what it takes to only use good quality data for any decisions.
How to Predict Demand For Fresh Bread in Supermarkets via @Datafloq
How to Predict Demand For Fresh Bread in Supermarkets by Walter van der Scheer via +Datafloq - With a yearly turnover of 400 mil EURO, Bakkersland is by far the largest bakery in the Netherlands. Early every morning, the organization's 300 trucks deliver approximately 2 million freshly baked loaves of bread to 1,200 supermarkets. In order to predict the consumer demand per-day per-retailer, Bakkersland developed a predictive sales planning model . Learn more how you can predict demand for fresh bread when you have a lot of data at your disposal.
Friday, 15 April 2016
Deep Learning Will Blow Up Your Data Strategy via @infomgmt
Deep Learning Will Blow Up Your Data Strategy by Michele Goetz via +Information Management - This is not your traditional or even big data analytic platform. It's a complete overhaul of the computing architecture. It's a complete rethink of data management. It will also change how you think about analytics.
I can see the implications but I also can't help being excited about the possibilities.
I can see the implications but I also can't help being excited about the possibilities.
Organizations Confirm Big Time Need for Real-time Data via @infomgmt
Organizations Confirm Big Time Need for Real-time Data by David Weldon via +Information Management - Attendees at last week’s Strata & Hadoop World conference had a lot on their minds when it comes to data management and data analytics, but one theme that emerged repeatedly was real-time processing.
I worked on something near real time a number of years ago and it is definitely very beneficial.
I worked on something near real time a number of years ago and it is definitely very beneficial.
Thursday, 14 April 2016
Tableau Offers 9.3 Version for Faster Data Analysis and Collaboration via @infomgmt
Tableau Offers 9.3 Version for Faster Data Analysis and Collaboration via +Information Management - Tableau Software has announced the general availability of Tableau 9.3, which the firm says offers new ways to analyse data and share findings faster.
Useful features so a good thing.
Useful features so a good thing.
5 Business Intelligence Providers to Watch in 2016 via @SoutionsReview
5 Business Intelligence Providers to Watch in 2016 by Timothy King via +Solutions Review - Competition among vendors in the enterprise analytics market remains sky high. As a result, a new breed of solution providers have emerged to provide more modern tools for a new generation of users who require much more than legacy reporting capabilities.
I have seen a lot about these 5 so not sure it is that much of a surprise.
I have seen a lot about these 5 so not sure it is that much of a surprise.
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Technology Transforms How Insurers Calculate Risk via New York Times
Technology Transforms How Insurers Calculate Risk by Quentin Hardy via +The New York Times - New methods of collecting and evaluating information allow insurers to determine more precise premiums based on each customer’s particular risk.
I can see that it can go two ways - for some their premiums can go down, others it will get more expensive ass the risk gets more accurate.
I can see that it can go two ways - for some their premiums can go down, others it will get more expensive ass the risk gets more accurate.
How to get the most value from your data scientists via @OnTechNowBlog
How to get the most value from your data scientists via @OnTechNowBlog - They’re not miracle workers but they play a vital role in getting big value from big data Simply hiring data scientists is not enough.
Great blog and worth a think.
Great blog and worth a think.
Monday, 11 April 2016
Big Data Consortium Releases Runtime Spec for Hadoop Ecosystem via @Data_informed
Big Data Consortium Releases Runtime Spec for Hadoop Ecosystem via @Data_Informed - The Open Data Platform Initiative (ODPi) aims to reduce complexity and increase interoperability across multiple Hadoop distributions.
A good thing if it works as specified.
A good thing if it works as specified.
Three Ways Enterprises Can Eliminate Useless Data via @Data_Informed
Three Ways Enterprises Can Eliminate Useless Data by Chris Talbott via @Data_Informed - A new study reveals that most of the data that companies hold have not been touched for years, adding to the costs and complexity of data management without delivering business value. Chris Talbott of Veritas offers tips for more efficient information management practices.
I would add that I see 2 problems -
I would add that I see 2 problems -
- Collecting all data because it is there and you "might" need it in the future.
- Lack of a data archiving policy - look at all the legal limitations for document retention and build a policy to archive data. When you have the policy actually IMPLEMENT it.
Sunday, 10 April 2016
Sharpen your Customer Reflexes with Apache Spark via @Data_Informed
Sharpen your Customer Reflexes with Apache Spark by Ashley Stirrup via @Data_Informed - Apache Spark democratises real-time customer insight by making in-memory data processing available beyond the traditional data powerhouses, writes Talend’s Ashley Stirrup.
The promise of in memory data processing is exciting - I can think of so many potential analyses we could do.
The promise of in memory data processing is exciting - I can think of so many potential analyses we could do.
Analytics, Mobile and Cloud May Drive Your Next Train Experience via @infomgmt
Analytics, Mobile and Cloud May Drive Your Next Train Experience by Bob Violino via +Information Management - The railway industry is expected to boost IT spending in the coming years, investing in areas such as the cloud, mobile technology and video analytics, according to Technavio Research.
I've certainly seen evidence of that at TFL and National Rail in the UK.
I've certainly seen evidence of that at TFL and National Rail in the UK.
Saturday, 9 April 2016
Data Blending Is Top-of-Mind at Strata & Hadoop Event via @infomgmt
Data Blending Is Top-of-Mind at Strata & Hadoop Event by David Weldon via +Information Management - Companies want to blend an array of data for analytics, whether from relational databases, large swaths of machine data or data already living in Hadoop, says Pentaho's Ben Hopkins.
Interesting and worth a read.
Interesting and worth a read.
Top 10 TED Talks for the Data Scientists via @KDnuggets
Top 10 TED Talks for the Data Scientists by Devendra Desale via +KDnuggets - TEDTalks have been a great platform for sharing ideas and inspirations. Here, we have sifted ten interesting talks for the data scientist from statistics, social media and economics domains.
Friday, 8 April 2016
Top 10 Data Analysis Tools for Business via @KDnuggets
Top 10 Data Analysis Tools for Business by Alex Jones via +KDnuggets - Ten free, easy-to-use, and powerful tools to help you analyse and visualise data, analyse social networks, do optimization, search more efficiently, and solve your data analysis problems.
A useful list if you want to have a play and explore.
A useful list if you want to have a play and explore.
Key Skill Sets for the Next Gen Big Data Analysts via @suyatitech
Key Skill Sets for the Next Gen Big Data Analysts by Uma Chellappa via +Suyati, Inc - An aspiring Big Data analyst needs to have a mix of technical and non-technical skills to be able to convert data into meaningful data.
Useful blog that gives a good starting point.
Useful blog that gives a good starting point.
Thursday, 7 April 2016
WEBINAR: Leading the Data-Driven Transformation - The CIO & The New Age of Data Quality - 12 April 2016
Title: Leading the Data-Driven Transformation - The CIO & The New Age of Data Quality
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time
Duration: 1 hour
The evolution of the data-driven digital business provides CIOs with a great opportunity to become both business and technology leaders within their organizations. But to realize this CIOs need to focus on the things that really matter to today’s digital businesses. This live webinar, hosted by Trillium Software and delivered by Donna Burbank & Nigel Turner of Global Data Strategy, makes the case that providing trusted and reliable data is key to digital business success and should be at the top of any CIO’s agenda. Today’s digital businesses depend more than ever on data, so CIOs need to embrace and be at the forefront of this new age of data quality.
The webinar will cover:
- How the data-driven digital business is changing the traditional role of the CIO
- The key challenges faced by CIOs today
- Strategies for CIO success
- The new age of data quality and how CIOs can be the leaders of business transformation
- A call to action - what CIOs need to do to make it happen
- References & further reading
- Q&A session
Nigel Turner
Principal Consultant
Global Data Strategy
Principal Consultant
Global Data Strategy
Nigel Turner is Principal Consultant, EMEA at Global Data Strategy Ltd. He specializes in information strategy, data governance, data quality & master data management. With more than 20 years of experience in the Information Management industry, Nigel started his career working to improve data quality, data governance & CRM within British Telecommunications (BT), and has since used this experience to help over 150 other organizations do the same. He is also an elected member of the UK’s Data Management Association (DAMA) management committee. In 2015 he was given DAMA International’s Community Award for setting up a mentoring scheme for data management professionals in the UK. Nigel is a well-known thought leader in data management, has published several white papers & articles, and is a regular invited speaker at Information Management & CRM events.
Donna Burbank
Managing Director
Global Data Strategy
Managing Director
Global Data Strategy
Donna Burbank is a recognized industry expert in information management with over 20 years of experience in data management and enterprise architecture. She currently is the Managing Director of Global Data Strategy Ltd, an international data management consulting company. Her background is multi-faceted across consulting, product development, product management, brand strategy, marketing, and business leadership in organizations such as CA Technologies, Embarcadero Technologies, and PLATINUM Technologies. She has worked with dozens of Fortune 500 companies worldwide in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa and speaks regularly at industry conferences. She has co-authored several books including: Data Modeling for the Business and Data Modeling Made Simple with CA ERwin Data Modeler r8.
Best Practices for Hadoop via @infomgmt
Best Practices for Hadoop by Mike Macaig via +Information Management - To avoid getting stuck in a recurring bad dream of clusters, nodes, failed jobs, vanishing Hadoop admins, and more, here are some pieces of advice from grizzled veterans.
Good advice worth reading.
Good advice worth reading.
Big Data Technology – What’s Next? via @Datafloq @russellelena11
Big Data Technology – What’s Next? by Elena Russell via +Datafloq - The world is expanding and so is the data around. The concept of big data has never looked more fascinating than now. Businesses are looking for patterns to implement big data technology into their business applications. They are taking the next step to identify the current as well as future developments in big data deployments. So, what's next in terms of Big Data Technology?
Great article.
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
4 Logical Fallacies Ruining Your Analytics via @amplitudemobile
4 Logical Fallacies Ruining Your Analytics via +Amplitude Analytics - Once upon a time, only companies with the resources to code all of their analytics by hand could look at their data properly.
Very well thought out and thoughtful article.
Very well thought out and thoughtful article.
Size doesn’t matter in Big Data, it’s what you ask of it that counts via @ConversationEDU
Size doesn’t matter in Big Data, it’s what you ask of it that counts via @ConversationEDU - Big Data is changing the way we do science today. Traditionally, data were collected manually by scientists making measurements, using microscopes or surveys. These data could be analysed by hand or using simple statistical software on a PC.
Great article which applies equally for science and business.
Great article which applies equally for science and business.
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
How The Citizen Data Scientist Will Democratize Big Data via @Forbes
How The Citizen Data Scientist Will Democratize Big Data by +Bernard Marr via +Forbes - The rise of the citizen data scientist is a subject which is creating a lot of excitement at the moment. Put simply (and a bit bluntly) businesses, particularly larger ones with more mature Big Data analytical operations, are finding that it is too important to be left solely in the hands of the data scientists.
Great article. Please note this is a 2 page article.
Great article. Please note this is a 2 page article.
Putting Big Data in the hands of ‘citizen data science’ users via @silliconangle
Putting Big Data in the hands of ‘citizen data science’ users by Gabriel Pesek via @silliconangle - While corporations may be the ones driving the development of data-management and its standards, there comes a time at which the results have to be handed, at least in part, over to the users. For the more engaged data companies, finding ways to approach this with benefits to both sides can provide further innovations.
Great blog with interesting ways to look at data availability and use.
Great blog with interesting ways to look at data availability and use.
Monday, 4 April 2016
Wikibon names IBM as #1 Big Data vendor by revenue via @silliconangle
Wikibon names IBM as #1 Big Data vendor by revenue by Mike Wheatley via @sillionangle - Wikibon has just released its latest 2015 Big Data Market Shares report, highlighting the hardware, software, and services vendors that are likely to lead a Big Data market that’s set to hit $92.2 billion by 2026, according to the research firm’s latest projections.
The inherent clumpiness of randomness via @OReilly
The inherent clumpiness of randomness by Mike Loukides via +O'Reilly - "Seeing patterns in data that aren't really there is a mistake that's all too common among data scientists," says Mike Loukides. Finding patterns isn't really a question about random processes. It's a question about the human brain.
Great insight.
Great insight.
Sunday, 3 April 2016
Master Data Management: Which MDM Tool Is Right For You? via @infomgmt
Master Data Management: Which MDM Tool Is Right For You? by Michelle Goetz via +Information Management - No longer an integration hub between applications and DBMSs, today's tools are transitioning or have reinvented MDM to handle the context missing from system traditional implementations.
SLIDESHOW: 5 Ways to Boost Data Disaster Recovery Plans via @infomgmt
SLIDESHOW: 5 Ways to Boost Data Disaster Recovery Plans via +Information Management - Growing pressure from regulators to improve security of protected public information makes this a good time to re-examine your disaster recovery plan.
Interesting and worth a look.
Interesting and worth a look.
Saturday, 2 April 2016
SIDESHOW: The 12 Top Treacherous Cloud Computing Threats via @infomgmt
SLIDESHOW - The 12 Top Treacherous Cloud Computing Threats by David Weldon via +Information Management - Most organizations now have some presence in the cloud, but data security remains a top concern. The Cloud Security Alliance has compiled its list of “The Treacherous 12: Cloud Computing Top Threats" that you need to be aware of.
Great list of threats.
Great list of threats.
AWS Database Migration Service now available to help customers switch to the cloud via @V3_co_uk
AWS Database Migration Service now available to help customers switch to the cloud by Daniel Robinson via @V3_co_uk - Amazon has announced general availability of its AWS Database Migration Service, aimed at helping organisations to move production database systems from their own infrastructure to the AWS cloud with minimum disruption and at minimum cost.
Surely a useful tool.
Surely a useful tool.
Friday, 1 April 2016
WEBINAR: 5 ways to drive bottom-line impact with behavioural analytics - 7 April 2016
Complimentary Web Seminar
April 7, 2016
12 PM ET/9 AM PT
Brought to you by Information Management
April 7, 2016
12 PM ET/9 AM PT
Brought to you by Information Management
In the world of clickstreams, pathways and customer churn, actions may speak louder than words, but only if you understand what those actions are saying. Behavioral analytics with big data discovery enables businesses to know their customers on a deeper level. Through a combination of advanced segmentation and event series processing capability, Big Data Discovery can enable your business to discover hidden relationships and opportunities buried within customer behavioral data.
Join this roundtable discussion with the Bloor Group, Speculist Media and Platfora to learn how Big Data Discovery:
- Is disrupting the way business monitor user behavior
- Enables customer insights at the business-unit level
- Helps kickstart your data-driven strategy
Featured Presenters:
Eric Kavanagh CEO Bloor Group |
Phil Bowermaster Analyst Speculist Media |
Peter Schlampp VP of Products Platfor |
Register here
WEBINAR: GraphDB Fundamentals: Transforming your Graph Analytics with GraphDB - 7 April 2016
Thursday, April 7, 2016
11am ET | 10am CT | 8am PT | 16:00 UTC
Approximately 2 hours long
Agenda ET
11:00am – 11:30am Foundation of Graph Analytics plus Q&A
11:30am – 1:00pm Utilizing GraphDB for your graph analytics needs
11:30am – 1:00pm Utilizing GraphDB for your graph analytics needs
Graph Analytics are a critical component in supporting business strategy. They can help you target content with pinpoint accuracy, identify potential new lifesaving treatments, flag possible fraudulent activities and predict future behavior.
In this webinar, Dr. Arthur Keen, Founder of Keen Analytics will discuss the foundations of graph analytics and the use of GraphDB™ to meet your analytic requirements. Vassil Momtchev, Ontotext Chief Solution Architect will also be on hand to answer questions. They will work on GraphDB™ from Ontotext which is created with the purpose to innovate enterprise analytics and provide you with the strategic advantage your organization needs to get a competitive edge.
If your wish to learn more on the topic here are the topics that will be addressed :
- What is a RDF graph data model and how it can be used for agile data integration and management
- What is SPARQL and how it can be used for querying and managing RDF data graphs
- What are RDFS and OWL (Ontology Web Language) and how they can be used for semantic data modeling as well as creating ontologies or vocabularies for describing data graphs
- Installing, configuring and fine tuning GraphDB database as well as loading data in the system
- Working with a GraphDB Workbench (graphical front-end for managing RDF graph data and databases)
- What are the various reasoning strategies, that RDF graph databases employ to derive new facts and enrich knowledge graphs
- What are some distinguished performance optimizations of the GraphDB database
- What are the various GraphDB extensions for full-text search.
- Working with geo-spatial data, and performing fast analytics over large RDF graphs
- Troubleshooting guide (most common question and their solutions)
6 Ideas to Help Government Realize Open Data's Transformative Power via @govtechnews
6 Ideas to Help Government Realize Open Data's Transformative Power by Colin Wood via @govtechnews - Most open data portals don’t look like labours of love. They look like abandoned last-minute science fair projects, pie charts sagging because someone didn't use enough glue stick. The current open data movement is more than a decade old, but some are still asking why they should even bother.
Great ideas.
Great ideas.
Google Taps Machine Learning to Lure Companies to Its Cloud via @infomgmt
Google Taps Machine Learning to Lure Companies to Its Cloud by Jack Clark via +Information Management - Google will create business tools and products based on its own artificial intelligence technology, seeking to entice more companies to rent its cloud-computing services.
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