Title: Fast and Fearless - The Future of IoT Software Development Part 3 of 4: Making the Most of IoT Connectivity Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 Time: 8:00 am PDT/ 3:00 pm UTC Duration: 60 minutes SUMMARY
The IoT is transforming the software landscape. What was a relatively straightforward embedded software stack, has been revolutionized due to the IoT where developers juggle specialized workloads, security, machine learning, real-time connectivity, managing devices in the field - the list goes on.
How can our industry help developers prototype ‘fearlessly’ because the tools and platforms allow them to navigate varying IoT components? How can developers move to production quickly, capitalizing on innovation opportunities in emerging IoT markets?
This webinar will help you to choose the appropriate connectivity protocol for your IoT application. The presenters will deliver an overview of Wi-Fi, NB-IoT, Bluetooth and LoRaWAN and their benefits, provide examples and application ideas, as well as useful resources for developers of all skill levels - whether you're just getting started or you've been working in the IoT for some years. There will also be an opportunity for Q&A.
This webinar is part of a series taking you through the fundamental steps, tools and opportunities for simplifying IoT development.
Speakers: - Omer Cheema, Head of Wi-Fi Business Unit at Renesas Semiconductor
- Wienke Giezeman, Co-Founder and CEO at The Things Industries
- Samuele Falconer, Principal Product Manager at u-blox
- Thomas Cuyckens, System Architect at Qorvo
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